Product packaging is the first impression consumers have on your product, which encourages the likelihood of purchasing. It also creates attributes by enhancing emotional attachment towards your product or brand, based on certain attributes that are used through packaging concept such as colors.

Your packaging is an important silent marketing tool for your brand, consumers base their purchase decision on extrinsic product characteristics and appearance (Fenko, Schifferstein, & Hekkert, 2010). Packaging has become a key marketing strategy to attract consumers attention. Luxury brands invest more time and money in packaging as it is often associated with elegance and expense, with the focus in delivering products wrapped in style, innovative designs and materials which provide a luxurious feel.

Some scholars quote that the liking towards a product is affected by the expectations generated through packaging, meaning that there are some variations in emotion -based terms associated with product packaging.

When working on your brand and packaging it is important that as start-up business you take some time to work on your product packaging. Your design influences your target market attention and which packaging attributes support consumers preference. Work with your supplier and explore new and innovative ways to differentiate your brand. A good design packaging will give your customers a fresh perspective on the product and this will drive sales and generate brand loyalty.